in her room; taken in 2014; w/ Rolleiflex T |
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
taken at the regularly-visited temple in Tokushima; December 2014
I vividly remember each moment today a year ago when a sister-in-law died after suffering and struggling with cancer. We are now very far from each other, but I cherish your smiling face in my heart, and put my palm together in prayer.1周忌。
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
去年の今頃。古寺にて。taken around this time last year
I left many things in Japan; among them are my favorite porcelain and kitchen gadgets, and I sold and gave away some of my books. The rest are now in my father's house. Sometimes I miss those books. I can get information I need (especially about cooking; most of my books were about exotic recipe and photography) on the Internet, but I love seeing and reading paper books. When I go walking around in Cebu City, I drop by book stores and I get enchanted by beautiful books. Books I want are rather expensive here, so I control my urge to buy them. Do you read / get e-books or traditional paper books?
もちろん、ネットでもごくたまにアマゾンを見たりする。レシピ本の中に 最高においしいパンの食べ方というのを見つけた。パンの作り方の本はいろいろ見るし、パンの食べ方指南はそれこそネットに星の数ほど見つかるけれど、食べ方をまとめた本って珍しい。。。というか、わたしは初めて遭遇しました。しかも「最高においしい」なんて銘打ってあったら、これはもう買わずにいられない、って感じじゃないですか?欲しいなぁ、でも郵便事情なんかを考えるとこれまたグッと我慢なのである。
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
I love native organic eggs:) taken w/ iPhone 5c |
Sorry, this is one of rumbling posts about food.
I have been craving for fresh milk, tofu, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. Of course I can find some of them in supermarkets here, but all of them have somehow a very long life, which is what I just cannot trust. I suspect such foods definitely have poisonous things to our body. But I have no choice, so I buy "fresh" milk (on the carton it says) and about eggs and cheese, I buy at the organic market I visit on Saturdays once or twice a month. Unfortunately I don't see yogurt containing no sweetener, so I haven't eaten any since I came to live here in Cebu. Instead, I make something like ricotta cheese with "fresh" milk and enjoy eating it with salt & olive oil, or fruit jam, and sometimes like in the photo above, with cake salé, pancake, or bread.
About eggs, I love eating "tamago-kake gohan", hot, just-cooked rice topped and then mixed with raw egg and a bit of soy sauce, and tried it just once with an organic egg here; it was soooo goooood. But accepting warnings about salmonella, and rice I buy here is different from what I ate in Japan, I haven't eaten I eat eggs cooked these days. Soft-boiled eggs, sunny-side ups, and scrambled eggs. I guess you love eggs too:) They look lovely and taste good.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
I thought I would take a lot of pictures here in Cebu, but living here is completely another thing from traveling; in hot weather I don't feel like bringing my camera(s) around. And when I go out of where I live (and work), it's mostly for shopping grocery, most of which is vegetables and bread and sometimes oil & seasoning in bottles. That's why I try to go around light. Casually dressed. Carrying something like an eco-bag (which is very light!) alone. So this is a rare shot with my instax mini in these days. A cheerful man you will think of when it comes to the Philippines.
I have loved walking. I walk in Cebu City for shopping, usually at least 2 km and sometimes 5 or 6 km or more. That's what surprises local people around me. Yes, people here take a ride on a Jeepnee (multi-cub), tricycle, bike taxi (I forgot what it is called in local lang), or taxi, even for a short distance. That's a surprise for me, though the fee for Jeepney or multi cub is cheap to be sure.
But walking around you can see how local people are living, and you will find an attracting local paths and nice-looking cafe or bakery, and also cats:)) I don't like the dirty air in City but still love walking around.
Monday, October 05, 2015
Yoda, taken in ... maybe 6 or 7 years ago? |
But aside from that cramp, I have been doing well. I have become more into cooking and eating with less material and tools than in Japan. I live in my room alone, but sometimes I share what I have cooked with my boss;) When I hear her say "Yummy!", I am so happy. Yes, cooking is really helpful and fun hobby, right? And it is also heartwarming; it makes both sides (people who cook and ones who eat ) happy.
BTW my recent hits have been Italian soda bread, ricotta cheese, onion jam, and confiture of green pepper & green lemon. I also got Japanese rice so I will cook it and make rice balls after a very loooong while. I am too excited to sleep ;D
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
taken in September, 2014
Friday, July 31, 2015
taken in August 2013 |
memorandum: took sunflowers w/RolleiflexT + bw film
This year's Obon holidays, when we Japanese traditionally welcome our ancestors' spirits to our home and send them back, one of my sister-in-law, who died last December. will come back. During Obon, many Japanese can take summer holidays and have family gathering or go traveling around. And my family also gather during Obon every year. It's too bad I won't be able to attend the Obon ceremony, though. I'm living a bit too far away now. I email my brother and father sometimes, and feel relieved the kids (my nephews) are doing all right without their mother:))
Monday, July 20, 2015
a fisherman and a black cat ; taken w/ Leica IIIa; Sep. 2013 |
Saturday, July 04, 2015
tiny roses
taken in June 2014 |
and again I took these roses in late May this year.
I miss these tiny roses, too.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
To my sadness, this lovely plant died a month ago. I'm really sorry... |
などなどetc. etc...
Thursday, May 28, 2015
confidential gift
どんだけ自分好きなのか( ̄▽ ̄) |
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
a little information
I'll be cut out from the Internet for a while from June 1. I won't be able to post to this blog, Instagram, Tumblr, nor flickr. But don't worry:)) I'll be OK. It's just a matter of me losing connection to the Internet at home.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
This was taken last year, but my garden is just like this now. |
・雑貨・・・eg. アイアンミニバスケット(長辺10cm前後):各100円、アイアンボックス:1,000円、コーヒープレス イエロー :1,200円(これと同じものです)、ホーローポット白:1,200円(花差しに)、エアプランツ小4種(ガラス大皿+苔つき):1,000円、エアプランツ大(プランツハンガー+ガラスコップつき):1,000円、A.T.のコットンブラウス黒:2,000円、リネンニットのプルオーバー黒:2,000円(どちらも透け感大)、綿or麻のストール100円〜300円、ラフィア帽:2,000円、バッグ:0円。。。
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
sweet scent of the season
I prefer casual, untamed small roses like these.
The other day I went out with a friend who loves photography and is into taking portraits of people. She said she has been trying various things about photography for the past year, and looked confident of herself and her photography, and I really loved the way she is.
The place we found lovely for shooting was full of wild roses, which were giving off nice and sweet smell. We had a fun dusk time there, shooting each other.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
a broken ceramic bat コウモリさん。。。涙 |
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
taken on Apr. 27; PENTAX SP + Carl Zeiss Ultron 1.8/50 + KODAK ProFoto XL100 |
SUNS ADDMODO COFFEE (サンズアドモード)にて22日迄開いております。展示してある写真はご希望の方には販売もします。(フィルムスキャンから阿波和紙にインクジェットプリント/A3大¥3,000;A3小¥1,500;A4¥1,000)
My photo exhibition has 10 days left. It feels like days are flying, especially since the exhibition started, and the day I leave Japan is fixed. Yes, I leave my home and Japan soon to start a new life for the first time in my life. I'm going to move to Cebu, the Philippines. I'm a bit nervous as it is the first time I live other than my home as I said, and worried about my father. I'm not fully prepared for a new work there but excited and happy about it:))
My photo exhibition has 10 days left. It feels like days are flying, especially since the exhibition started, and the day I leave Japan is fixed. Yes, I leave my home and Japan soon to start a new life for the first time in my life. I'm going to move to Cebu, the Philippines. I'm a bit nervous as it is the first time I live other than my home as I said, and worried about my father. I'm not fully prepared for a new work there but excited and happy about it:))
Friday, May 01, 2015
sleepy cat |
I'll have a personal exhibition of cats' photos and here is the information:
CATS ROCK! --- a photo exhibition
when :5/8 ~ 5/22
サンズ アドモード / 徳島市西新浜町1丁目4−8−2
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
look up, look forward
my two-year-old grape growing rapidly |
久しぶりに写真展をやります!@SUNS ADDMODO COFFEE
Saturday, April 25, 2015
the change of seasons
taken in late May, 2014 |
Dogwood trees are almost in full bloom by the way:)
Monday, April 20, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
listen to birds singing in the rain
It has been raining almost every day these 2 weeks (or I just feels so). But wild birds are busy twittering, singing. Here in a small town where I live, they are heard to chirp beautifully. I can't specify what kind the birds are; I just enjoy listening to them.
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
I have been on the Internet long so I have a lot of acquaintances, but only a very few friends. Some of them I have never met in person nor will ever meet, but I feel I'm very deeply connected with them. (That is just my imagination, perhaps?) I really appreciate their concern and encouragement. They send me strength. I hope I'll be of help to them in some form some day.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
I don't remember seeing your eyes closed in those days; what were you thinking?
Now you're gone, I spend my days just in vain.
I dream every day and night; some of the dreams I remember well, some I don't.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Sunday, March 01, 2015
365 days
Saturday, February 28, 2015
I read
unknown plant on the shore |
Now, I'm reading The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
as you see, I always fix the lomography film at a wrong position:(
spring is almost here (though we have some more cold days ahead),
and the time has just started when I suffer from pollen allergy.
spring is almost here (though we have some more cold days ahead),
and the time has just started when I suffer from pollen allergy.
Monday, February 23, 2015
"be active phyisically
and talk with your body when you are down mentally."
That simple practice does help most, for sure.
(In fact I don't understand really how and about what to talk with my body and haven't done that, though.)Have a nice week ahead!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
at a nearby beach; taken in November 2014 |
It got cloudy unfortunately when we got to the beach, but we had a really good time there.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
japanese plum blossom on February 16, 2015 |
I forgot but they had already started blooming and giving off a faint good smell.
This time last year I was visiting my mother in the hospital every day and dropping by at a shrine which has japanese plum trees in the small site. They were beautiful so I wanted to break off a branch to bring it to my mother, which I thought was nonsense (and it would be a crime!). Instead I shot the blossom with my camera and iPhone and showed her the images. It seems like a long time ago.
Sunday, February 08, 2015
spending days idly
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
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