Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Look Back, Look Forward


先ほどamazonふらふらしてて、 こんな本を見つけてしまい



Never will I look back; I only will look forward from new year!
That was what I thought yesterday.
But I found a bookabout how effectively to use a note book whether you are a child or an adult. I am poor at jotting something, rather it's just that I don't like writing with hand. Anyway, I was so attracted to this book as to browse some other related books on the site, haha. I did waste time that way, instead of cleaning up my messy room. (Ohh, I have to go back to scavenging!!)

Conclusion: look back for some reflection, look ahead for a goal, and do what I can and have to do now. Very natural. But if I had done these things so far, I already would have been an ideal self. Ha!

OK. Now I'll make a list of all the things I wanted to do but couldn't do, and make a plan for 2009. (But I have to do cleanup first!)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Best Wishes for your Happiness



I went to a wedding party of a friend last night. I owe to her the group photo exhibition these 5 years! She hosted that photo show with toy cameras at her shop. 
She always enjoys herself and is very energetic, motivating those around her. Besides she is "cool beans", has her own fashion style; she wore lovely white cotton dress designed and made by one of her friends at yesterday's party (yes, it was soooo lovely!:) 
I wish her and her destined soul mate a long happy married life full of joy and laughter:))

Saturday, December 27, 2008

give myself a break





photo with minolta SR-1s + ROKKOR 38mm/f1.8 (だったと思われます)

Friday, December 26, 2008

a usual day


My cats are not on very good terms with each other, but scenes like in this photo you can see once in a while, only on cold days in winter. They do seem to love each other in this pic, don't they? ;))



So how was your christmas holiday? (You may still be on holidays:) Had a great feast? Mine was just one of weekdays. I went to work earlier than usual, and I came back home a lot later than usual at 2 in the morning. So I didn't have a dinner or cake:(( Yes, I will one of these days;)) Now I'm on holidays!! But I have to do my end-year chores; write happy-new-year greeting cards, clean up my messy room. Yes, I always throw my things here and there, and I always have to dig up what I need. Very sloppy... I need to be a little tidier. Maybe next year?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wishing You All the Best




I'm no christian but the world is at the peak of pleasure for christmas, so I decide to go with the flow and to wish all the world, especially all the creatures under unfortunate circumstances, the very best and made these christmas trees with old worn paper:))
Aren't they lovely with star on the top, are they? They are easy to make; all you need to prepare is paper, and you can make one with scissors alone;)

Ohh, I have to return the books to the library today!! But I haven't finished 3 books. I will try my best to read them all. Mission Impossible?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's UP?





Saturday, December 20, 2008



メインサイト kiritoriにてアップ。見ていただければうれしいです。

※flickr gallery は未完成につき順次追加アリ

I've uploaded photos I took in Kyoto at my main website.
I also post many of those photos at my flickr page
I'd appreciate it if you would take time and trouble to see them. Thank you:)


p.s. 先ほど暴れるネコズにバリバリバリと怒鳴り散らして、その罰が当たったのか・・・自分で落とした本の角が足の上に直撃。(本ってなんでいつも角から落ちるん?) 足の指に違和感・・・ヤバイ、ヒビ入った??ような感じがする・・・


Friday, December 19, 2008

Be yourself!!


When I took these photos, I thought "Oh, why are you making a human-like look, Koma??" and found it funny. Yes, cats, as well as other companion animals like dogs, get to resemble their human company they live with. But I do hope you don' have to behave like stupid humans like me! Just be yourself:))

I do respect and cherish my cats and appreciate the fact that they love me however stupid and damn person I am. They always love me whether I am pathetic or sloppy, I feel that more and more deeply these days.  NO OTHER BEING loves me like they do. So I can't and don't want imagine the day they're all gone...

I am always feeling sorry for Tengteng, a beloved and gone cat, that I couldn't be with her at the last moment. So I don't want to repent another time. What I can do and have to do is take good care of them and be with them whenever possible. And hope for their long life and happiness.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

some more not to be used...maybe



photo with LOMO LC-A + KODAK UC100

photo with LOMO LC-A + KODAK UC100

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

photos going into the dumper




I went to two-day travel to Kyoto in November and had the films developed at a labo in Tokyo by mail. Now I've got the prints and here are some photos going into the dumper. 
The photo on the left: why did I focus on the further side? I may have had some reason, but now I don't know. I should've focus nearer. photo at Tenryuji temple, Sagano, Kyoto.


というわけで、これも上と同じく嵯峨野・天龍寺なのですが、帰り際に見つけたススキ、とりあえず撮っとこう、という態度がそのまま出ちゃったな~~の1枚。ホンマ、中途半端やなー(T_T) こういうの見るにつけても、35mmを持って行けばよかったなぁ、と思ったりする。

This photo shows my fast and loose character. Looking through the finder, I thought, "Well, it won't be good, but why don't I press the shutter?"
Then this came out. Ha.
 If I had been more careful, and if I had 35mm lens, the outcome would be different, perhaps. 

photo @ Tenryuji temple, Sagano, Kyoto



Another dumper pic taken in Arashiyama, Sagano. When we think of the place, the bamboo trees are indispensable. Bamboo trunks strecthed out into the sky make nice contrast with other softly bent trees. It's so soothing. 
And you can see through the woods red and yellow colors of autumn leaves, though they aren't seen in this photo:((  The sight is enough to make me feel autumn in Japan is the best;) 
Kyoto is so popular that there are way too many people every day in autumn, and so is this bamboo grove, but I feel that there is always solemn silence there.  

This Heavy Weight of Happiness







著者の石川直樹さんはこの人になってみたい!って思わされた人。7大陸を制覇した(んでしたっけ?間違ってたらあとで直そっと^^;)冒険家による極地の写真集。寒い土地だからこそ、命の生々しさが際立つのかな。(前に見た NEW DIMENSIONもどこが、とちゃんと言えないけど、好きなのでした。)

6.風音―The Crying Wind



Sunday, December 14, 2008



I wanted to have lunch at a new pasta restaurant with friends, but something prevented me, so I cooked pasta at home (photo left). Seasoned with mentaiko(salted cod ovum) and mizuna (Potherb Mustard), soy-sauce, and olive oil. I cut down on pasta but had a little rice in vain. (Yes, I'll start dieting from tomorrow!;P)

ダイエットせねば!!なのだけど、デパ地下なんかいくともうアカンのね・・・どうしてこうも葛藤にすぐ負けるか。京都・北山のマール・ブランシュさんの可愛いバターカステラなど買っちゃいました・・・だって、ずっしりして、黄色が見事にそそるんですもん!!>m< でも今夜は食べないぞ~~~(勝った^^v)

How many times have I said "I have to go on a diet"? Looked like I totally forget it when I was at a depa-tika, the basement floor of a department store that usually deal with foods in Japan:) There're so many attractions there... I struggle, but I can't resist buying some lovely sweets or delicious looking foods. Today I bought this; mini sponge cake. But I won't eat it tonight! Yes, I win!!

photos with my cellphone

オマケ:食べること、にあまりにも関心濃すぎ?先日職場でチラ見た『現代用語の基礎知識』か、『イミダス』か何かのオマケについてた薄い本、の中にちょっと使われてた"WHAT THE WORLD EATS"という本が気になって、アマゾンで買っちゃいました。世界の食糧事情が書かれてるようですが、いろんな国の家族が1週間で食べる食料を並べて写真に撮ってるのが面白い。世界って、ホントに多種多様やな・・・ってことを、改めて実感させられるのでした。そして、人間は違ってるけど、どこか一緒・・・なのは、食べ物を前にしたときの穏やかな顔でしょうか。

addition:Am I too interested in eating? I saw the other day some photos in a little book, which is an appendix for a dictionary. The caption said the photos are from "WHAT THE WORLD EATS" so I got very curious to see the book and I ordered. Today it arrived! The book features the current matters about food around the world and photos of families of various countries, with food they eat in a week. It's very interesting; I realize the world is full of varieties, and that people from all over the world are alike in a point: they look nice with foods:))

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

PHOTO UPLOADED:couleurs naturelles

第1弾はポジフィルムのクロスプロセスでしたが、今回はネガ。コダックのウルトラカラーを使ってます。(とはいえ、出来た写真は普通でした・・・いや、むしろ浅~~い感じやった>< クロスの後だからそう見えるのか??)左はボツ写真の中の1枚です。



I just uploaded another photo work, "coleurs naturelles" at "kiritori" of  coulerus d'air, my main website:)
It's another version of  what I uploaded the other day; photos I took at my favorite old temple site. The previous photos were with reversal film by x-process, this version I took with negative film, a KODAK ULTRA COROR 400. Enjoy the difference:))
I expected it would snow and the combination of red and yellow leaves and white snow would be the top! But it is warm again , so it is unlikely to snow...:((

I'm off today so I'm relaxing munching Mango+cholocate from 7D, which was discounted a little bit so I bought 2 bags yesterday;) I also bought naan, brioche with dried fruits, and bread with custard filling. They were ... so so, though the custard was very nice. I was frightened at the price having got double of what they used to be. I won't go to buy bread or sweets so often.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

extra blue

Yoda in blue
Originally uploaded by +akane+



It's other photos accidentally x-processed:) My lovely Yoda in extra blue!! ;))

It's gotten cold all of a sudden. I wore my wool cap which has earmuffs, sunglasses and leather jacket, and swathed myself with a large stole. I looked a little bit dubious, friends said to me;) I'm gonna have to revisit my familiar glasses shop at a department store because I unwittingly broke my glasses again (it's 4th time in these 3 weeks!), so I wore the same costume as today in order not to be recognized.  Oh, I must wear musk too!
I had meant to spend Sunday reading and playing with cats in my futon, but I can't afford it. *sigh*

I don't know how much Yoda weighs, but Tabby weighs 9 kg flat. I checked his weight by weighing myself holding him, and did substraction. What was shocking to me is not his weight (because it's almost just as I had expected) but my own weight!! 
Awww, I have to go on a diet.... 

Saturday, December 06, 2008

PHOTO UPLOADED:couleurs virtuelles

with CONTAX Aria + Distagon35mm/f1.4 + AGFA CT Precisa 100


I have been uploading my photo works these days;) It's in my website, the site for sefl-congratulation, so what's wrong with that? 
Those who will jump to my website and take time to see my photos, I do appreciate your concern. And I'm sorry for the fact there are a few photos that resemble each other, but I'll be thankful if you will go easy on me;) Thank you! 
This photo is what I didn' get in the work that I uploaded today. It may be that you can't tell this photo from other photos! haha.

I used a Distagon 35mm /f.1.4 for the photos. I love the lens most in my lenses. I see my usual friendly world through the view finder with it. It's extraordinarily big and heavy, but I can go on and on with shooting with this lens:)


see new photos in "kiritori" @ couleurs d'air

Friday, December 05, 2008

après la pluie ~ after the rain

←は、これまた恒例の階段。>m< 色は前ほど出ないけれど、コレはコレで柔らかい感じで好きやな^^

Looked like it had rained and blown heavily in the early morning. I feel like I heard the sound of the rain and the window, because I was deeply asleep though I set my alarm on my cell but it was no use. I woke up at noon! I had decided to go and shoot at that temple again, so I went out. The sky was clearing up but the wind was still blowing hard. And it got suddenly cold. The trees had had leaves blown off and looked a bit desolate, but the ground was covered by fallen leaves, as you see from the photo on the left:) I felt happy to see that and put leaves in my bag to make them souvenir for my Mother and cats. I greeted to a man shooting there and an elderly couple who came to see the leaves. It was dry so the ground was dried up, so I couldn't take any photo as I had expected to, but I was quite satisfied. 


This is another photo taken from my favorite angle. I took many many of this! I know that, but I can't help it every time I see this sight...


with CONTAX Aria + Planar 50mm /f1.4 + ILFORD B/W 400


This is another boring photo from those I took at Konnpira-san shrine, Kagawa.

I have uploaded the photos at Konnpirasan on Nov. 23 on my website. (You can visit it by clicking the link  to "couleurs d'air" on the right, and then click "kiritori" link on the below. There are my works on that page.) The sepia colored photos I took with my CONTAX Aria, and the colored photos my LC-A. (the former photos: ASA100, the latter photos : ASA 400)
There are several damn photos but I meant to show you how my LC-A is so I put such photos in, too. 
When you use LC-A, the best and most interesting thing is the accident, the element of  surprise.  I have enjoyed LC-A all the more for such factors, but nowadays my LC-A has something wrong again and there are many frames where I don't have any image (they are just blank), so I decided not to use it any more, or for a while. What a pity! But I do feel as if it is going to get right some day. ;)) 

Thursday, December 04, 2008

PHOTO UPLOADED: the last photos with LC-A





Wednesday, December 03, 2008








Went to my favorite old temple as usual. It has been so warm that I was worried the leaves wouldn't be colored, but they have turned red and yellow, though they have gone dried into a frizz. 
I completely forgot loading a reversal film, which I remembered a while after dropping off the photographs to be developed. When I telephoned the film had been already developed... but I liked the outcome.

through with love



ということで、おそらくこのフィルムが私の7年余りのLOMO LC-Aでの最後の写真です。


My LC-A has something wrong again; I got 24/36 photos developed and printed in the film before this on the left. And this time only 10/36!! Some have nice vivid colors but others not. I wasted my precious AGFA film (I don't buy many of them because they cost high!;)! sob*
I went to shoot autumn leaves at my usual old temple, pressed happily the shutter button of my LC-A, but I got nothing. It's really a pity.  
This is it. My LC-A has gone completely wrong. It's the third breakdown so I won't send it to have an overhaul and repair. (I think it would be no good.)

I'll quit shooting with LC-A. I don't know if I won't forever or for a while. Anyway, I won't have it repaired three times or buy another LC-A.
I'll upload my recent prints with my LC-A, so if you have time, take a look at it. Thank you. 

twinkling red and burning yellow


This pic is one from those I took at Konnpira-san shrine, Kagawa. The autumn colors there was not the best, but I found stunning colors dotted in spots. The leaves in this photo look like red stars twinkling in the sky, don't they?


Konnpira-san shrine adopts a color gold as a symbol, because the name of the shrine contains the chinese character meaning gold! That may be why its ginkgo trees were overwhelmingly wonderful with yellow leaves, or rather, the color could be said to be golden. I guess there were a lot of ginkgo nuts falling and gave off strong smell. It's tasty and I love it, but the smell is terrible! I remember the ginkgo tree and nuts in my kindergarten. (Of course I hated the smell, haha;D)

photos with LOMO LC-A

Never Drive Drunken!!


Swear you won't drive after drinking to this dog!!


These dogs were working to appeal for elimination of drinking drive. They came from Osaka with their owner from Osaka to Konpira-san, Kagawa. When I asked him if we could take photos of them, he replied yes with a smile:)) Those around them had been just looking from a distance, but while we took pictures they began to touch the dogs and the doves behind the dog. The doves were amagingly tamed and wouldn't fly away. 


I wonder if my LC-A is all right. I doubt it, because the feel of it is like the LC-A when it was getting wrong before. I won't get another LC-A; my LC-A is this one alone. But it gets worse every time I have it repaired. Maybe I will quit taking photos with LC-A.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Autumn: Kyoto


In autumn, Kyoto is the best! Oh, it's too much to say, but many people are attracted to Kyoto especially in autumn, including me. Leaves in fall are beautiful everywhere, in my neighborhood or in mountains, but I feel it is more moving to go seeing leaves in autumn colors in Kyoto. That may be because of that large (way too large) crowds?
The following is the course we made in this over night travel to Kyoto: breakfast at InodaCoffee, Kibune-Jinja (shrine) by Eizan-train, which is specially made for watching outside: the window is very large, lunch at Tsubame cafe, Tetsugaku no miti (Path of Philosophy: famous and popular for its cherry blossom in spring and autumn leaves in fall), dinner at Hare, Isihara ryokan (favorite lodging of Akira Kurosawa!) 

上の写真も右も嵐山のもの。天龍寺と、そのあと竹林を抜けて常寂光寺へ行く。今回いちばんまともに色が出てるかな。雨の予報もひっくり返り、青空が見えて、テンション上がりまくった。笑; ひとりでふらっとでかけるのもいいけれど、誰かがいて、感動やらおいしいものやらを一緒に味わう、って方がいい。お三方、ありがとうございました。

The course we followed the next day: Arashi-yama, Sagano (Tenryu-ji temple, bamboo grove, Jou Jakkoji temple), lunch at Tsuki tokage, Nisiki Ichiba (market).
The photo above and on the right I took both at Arashiyama. I got the colors almost as I liked. 
There were so many people everywhere in Kyoto, impressed and moved to see the same thing. I liked that, I was moved at that sight. People are just simple, innocent.
I like going out alone, it's easy and comfortable, but I like much more going out with someone I like. The fun is still greater, isn't it?  

Sunday, November 30, 2008

better version


These are a bit better version: you can see each color more clearly, though the yellows are still strong. They are also from the photos at Tenryuji temple in Arashiyama, Kyoto. 

It was an overnight trip to Kyoto. The first day was cloudy, and before we reached our lodging it began to rain. The rain turned very heavy around midnight. We were afraid it might rain the next day, and the weather forecast said it would be rainy but the next morning it was fine:)) Maybe one or all of us have the power to make it sunny;D

It was weekday, but there were so many people from so many places, from all over Japan and from abroad. I almost couldn't imagine how many people there were the last weekend, 'cuz it was three-day holiday in Japan.) 
I was glad they all look happy, enjoying the same thing: the beauty of autumn. 

At "flikcr" and my blog at "Excite!"I'll post some more photos of Kyoto, still better version with my SX-70. I took a lot more photos with my CONTAX Aria and LOMO LC-A, which will be back to me developed and printed in about 2 weeks. I can't wait! 

Saturday, November 29, 2008

failure version


感動すると、やっぱりポラで撮りたくなってしまうのですが・・・こうも撮れないと、ちょっとテンション下がりそうになる orz
イヤイヤ、挫折はアカン、ということで次のエントリーではもうちょいマシバージョンを載せます。また後で\\ ^-^

These are the photos from the same package, but there are some differences in exposure. I understand the darker the place the brighter the photo comes out.  I don't know why; I want it to come out as it is. 
And when the photo comes out, it always gives out white or blue liquid. Ah, that's why the photo gets yellowish? Maybe so, I guess.

The photo on the upper-right I took at "Tetsugaku no miti" in Kyoto, near Ginkaku-ji temple. It was nearly sunset time so it was rather dark, but the photo doesn't look so. Too bright! :(
The other three in Arasiyama. The autumn colors of leaves were breathtaking!! Naturally a lot of people are attracted to the place. Me too of course! The excitement drove me to shoot with SX-70, but the outcome like this made me a little down. No, I won't give up. I'll show you later in this blog another version that are a bit better.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

YMP : Yellow Magic Photograph





The photos on last Sunday @ Konnpira-san, with my cellphone:) I didn't feel like scanning them;P
They are all too yellowish, which has been so recently. That's because I didn't keep the film packs at a cool place; left them in the hot room all this summer. Ha! No wonder the photos don't come out right. I came to like the yellow photos little by little, though;)

There are two horses, "holy horses" at Konnpira-san shrine. One in this photo was so nice; he looked as if he was striking a pose for us. His eyes were so tender and deep... looked as if he was talking. The other one is all white, which color suits holy horse, but he kept eating and didn't raise his head once. Yes, he is a holy horse, won't flatter us human;)

The most impressive thing on that Sunday was croquettes we bought at a butcher. That was too delicious to be true;D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


drift of leaves





I went to "Konpira-san" shrine, Kagawa, with a friend of mine last Sunday. Autumn colors were beautiful, but it was hard to take photos of them. I didn't like the angle or something like that. I took some pics with my SX-70, but they didn't come right; the outcome was not what I wanted. It's because I left films in my hot room this summer, I guess:(( 

Because of such things and the fact that they stopped producing films and that I made a photo book with my SX-70 photos, my POLAROID fever seems to have fallen a little. I went as far as thinking of selling my SX-70 at a net auction with another camera of mine,  but I gave it a second thought. The photo of this entry is one from those I took last autumn, and other photos I took in the past few years made me rethink about the wrong idea. I'll keep on taking photos with SX-70 to the last pack of my stock of film. I LOVE SX-70!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday:)

to my newly born website, couleurs d'air ~くうきのいろ”;))




Welcome to my newly born website: "couleurs d'air". So today is double birthday of my own and of this website.
(oh, perhaps you are at my blog page "cahier", so you're not sure what I mean. I put into this blog page into my main website; click my website and you'll see the whole page;)
I have to keep on improving my English, so I have this weblog. I'd appreciate it if you correct the errors in my English when you find some. Thank you:)

camera: BessaFlex TM + ASAHI SUPER TAKUMAR 55mm/F1.8

Saturday, November 22, 2008

feast in advance




After a lot of patience everything tastes better:)) 
I had not eaten anything since this morning due to my regular checkups. I had to have my blood and heart checked. It took longer than I thought because there were many elderly patients at the small clinic. It is always so in late autumn and winter. It can't be helped, so I put up with my hunger till the end of my checkup. 
Now it's over:)) I enjoyed a Beaujolais Village Nouveau with hard bread with blue cheese, rolled cake which my nephews and their parents brought me. It was kind of  my birthday party, though it's in fact tomorrow.  Hmmm, it feels like time passes faster and faster.