Sunday, September 06, 2009

eat happy:) #1

First, coffee. Coffee is my must. I can't do without it. I have coffee, yogurt with honey, and if any, a bit of sweets like cookies or chocolate. The image is what I had late in the morning today (almost noon! haha): coffee and "HU��NY" COOKIE (it's the cookie inspired from "Winnie the Pooh". Pooh the bear can't spell out "honey" right though it's his favorite!)




  1. Hi Akane, I love your series of "eat happy", in particular this one. Normally, always in a rush in the mornings that I don't have time to sit down and really enjoy a breakfast with nice cup of coffee while at home. Hmmm... should try it out on weekends. :D

  2. Hi, fenny. I'm glad you love it. And you deserve it, you should take time for a leisure breakfast at least on weekends! If I lived in your neighborhood I could make and bring you some nice coffee;)
    I hope you enjoy your morning and you have a nice day:)
