Monday, August 30, 2010

je suis dans la lune

croissant de la lune au soir

月の 見えないところの顔はどうなってるんだろう
ふわりうかんで うわのそら


Sunday, August 29, 2010


for your little mouth:) w/E-P1 + C.Z.Distagon 2.8/28

今日も行っちゃいました。この週末限定オープンだった素敵なお店。形も感触もまあるいものがいろいろ並ぶここは木工作家アンちゃんの自宅ショップ。4月にお邪魔させてもらったのですが、それ以来お久しぶりのお店訪問。広い庭に気持ちのよい縁側を今日は強い風(思い起こせば、4月に行った時も強風だった!!)が吹き抜けてました。私、またもや間抜けなことに、お店内部の全体像を撮ってないのです(デジカメだったのでレンズのが画角的に無理でもあったけれど)。だから、こんな感じ、っていのがコーナーや商品(って呼ぶのがなんだか気が引ける。もっともっと、大切ななにかが宿った物)から伝わればいいな、と思います。ぜひ、こちらもご覧くださいませ。*右のbits & bitsにも画像を複数アップしてます。

hanging around






使い込まれた表情のテーブルや椅子も◎、どこに座ろうか〜と迷う友達はみかんジュース、私は無花果のシロップのかき氷を注文。これまたフィルムカメラでばかり撮ってしまった・・・!作家さんのうつわにMade in Haitiの金属の皿。あああ、ハートわしづかみ・・・!この皿持って帰りたい。笑


photos @ろうそく夜 w/OLYMPUS PEN E-P1 + C.Z. Distagon 2.8/28
(その他デジタル写真が少しばかりbits & bits に)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


w/minolta XD + M.C.Rokkor 1.8/35; july, 2010


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sturgeon Moon
Sturgeon Moon w/Olympus E-P1 + C.Z.Planar 1.4/50 on telescope (TL-750)

Here you can see another version of the full moon.

I learned some interesting things about the moon yesterday:)
1. The lunar craters have their own names respectively.
2. The waters, i.e. seas, lakes, bays, ponds, also have names, and they are really intriguing, and weird;p
3. The full moon is called differently according to the months. They are attributed to Native Americans' folklore.  FYI, the full moon in September is called the Harvest Moon.

Hmmm, the moon is even more interesting to me now:)) She will never get boring to see and to talk to & about!
Now I want a telescope of my own;D

右のbits & bits にて別のバージョンのお月さまをアップしてます。




p.s. そして今日のタイトルはzで始まるものも思いつかず、満月だったし、ということで記号に逃げてみた。笑

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aita e pe'ape'a

なんくるないさ〜とか、モウマンタイ、みたいなもんだったかな。大丈夫、にも近いのかしら。Aita e pe'ape'a=アイタェペアペア。フランス語の中に混じって聞こえたその可愛らしいちょっと陽気な響きは、その人々がずっと生きてきた様子を表すかのよう。

dawn: w/LOMO LC-A; Cebu, Philippines; May, 2004

p.s. 今月のエントリーのタイトルの並びを見たら、b,c,dと続いたので、ナニかaで始まるタイトルないかなぁ〜〜、って思ってたところ、ちょうど見ていたテレビからAita e pe'ape'aって聞こえてきた。ヤタッ、とタイトルにいただいたのでした。笑

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blah Blah 'bout (e-)Books

What's wrong with burying my nose into books in public? (In fact I don't do that very often though; Only when I wait for my flight at the airport. I read most of the time in my room, in my futon;)
I was a bit surprised to find that reading in a corner has some stigma around it, some negative image. Ha! Reading a book is a way to retreat into yourself, to play in your mind, and to talk to the author or to yourself. I really appreciate it.
So I felt uncomfortable about the article I read this morning , which describes the way e-reading with devices like i-Pad helps eliminate the negative image and make "lone" bookworms "less alone". The few example mentioned say people talk to and give  questions to the person "reading" on i-Pad. Hmm. That isn't bad, people get connected more easily. But I wonder if such interaction deprives the pleasure of reading?
Well, I am an old type on an issue like this, the latest technology. I don't say I hate it, I'd say I wanna touch i-Pad or something like that;) But I am worried something subtle but important is vanishing along with increasing high-tech tools.

人ごみの中だろうと自分の部屋だろうと、本を読むという行為は自分の中にある意味引きこもること、自分の中で遊び、筆者や登場人物や自分と会話をすること、とにかく、その本の中の世界に入り込むことだろうと思う。それのどこが悪いか。そこに「恥/汚点」と言った感覚が伴うなんて、びっくり、というか、はぁ?と思わされたNYタイムズの記事でした(ふーん。社交的でないことはあっちではやっぱりネガティブに見られるのか)。今やi-Pad や Kindle なんかの最新デバイスのおかげで、本の虫ももはや孤独ではない、「i-Pad で読書してたら、人々が話しかけてくれるんだ」、しょーもな。

I've got a lot of pleasure in my room:) ; w/Polaroid SX-70 + 600film; june, '08

p.s. But I found this usage of i-Pad nice and beneficial:) 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

crave for plants

@a plants & coffee shop in Kyoto; April, 2010

Visited a friend's house, which was DIY-ed by her so so lovely, enjoyed our time and playing with her dog.  I was soooo impressed and influenced that now I want my own room to be more comfortable. I remember wishing to put a lot of plants in my room after seeing some lovely articles on interior a long long time ago. So I wanna get some greens, to make my room a bit like "jungle";)) But plants are rather expensive... especially rather big ones that I could use. Well, I will add greens little by little.



w/BessaFlexTM + MC Flektogon 2.4/35

Friday, August 20, 2010

doughnut craving, again






w/minolta XD + 1.8/38 (maybe); @umie (cafe), Takamatsu, Kagawa; july 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

water yourself

water yourself:)自分に水をやろう。ちょっとくたびれても、朝の水は慈しみの水。くたびれたかに思えた細胞が生き返る。

Water yourself. In the morning you need to because it will bring you to life. You've lost a lot of moisture during your dreaming time at night, especially during nightmare. Your  body and mind will appreciate the water to start a new day:)


photo taken @オウチ in Okinawa

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

time frame

w/HOLGA 120S + KODAK 400VC

るるる と零れ

ぽたり と爛れ

ことん と朽ちる

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


w/Polaroid SX-70 + 600film; 2004

今日はテンテコ(テンテン)の命日。5年が経ちました。まだ今でもぐじぐじ、としてしまうことがある。かわいいけど、いい子じゃなかった、決して。笑 やっぱり愛おしいなぁ。会いたいなぁ。

Monday, August 16, 2010



When I feel comfortable air, breeze, and smell, it's the time I can take photos that I like myself. Of course there are some not-so-good pics, though;) But I think that it is a key factor to good photograph to be able to sense my surroundings. That means your sense is sensitive, and sensitiveness matters a lot, isn't it?

Now I feel something good is coming with lovely wind...:))

w/CONTAX Aria + Planar 1.4/50; Okinawa; June, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

murmur after dreaming

a morning
a morning (deja vu); from "loin mais près"
I have been uploading photos from "loin mais près", my 2nd photo exhibition I held last month. It's still on the way, but you can check the photos clicking here:) Thanks.
Had weird dreams and couldn't awake from it soon. I forgot what had happened in the dreams clearly; I just remember the impression of kind of fear. I have often seen fearful dreams; in which I am running away from someone or something, closing the door and trying to lock it, but having difficulty and that some person opening the door. That's it.  Other time a plane is flying low, and I expect it to be falling. Then it bursts and starts to fall burning. etc. etc.
But today's dream was not such. Something more verbal, something someone is saying  hurts and frightens me, I guess. I don't remember any details.
The photo has nothing to do with the dreams nor the writing in this post. I just want to soothe myself and choose this photo, perhaps.
I've been very very sleepy for these 3 days. I was dying to sleep at 9 yesterday and fell asleep. Still I'm sleepy now in the morning. Well, I'm free today; my brothers went back to their home. (we had a family reunion because of it's "the oBon".) I hung the futons and sheets outside in the sun. I finished doing the dishes. Now I can go to sleep in this hot but breezy room. Yes, wind is flowing in softly through the open window.
So see you later. Have a nice Sunday:)

Friday, August 13, 2010


scoop childhood memories
just like us; w/ LOMO LC-A; august, 2004




Thursday, August 12, 2010

in the late afternoon

just my imagination
In my childhood and early teens, I used to go swimming in the nearby swimming pool or in the river. I loved the light and color of the air after swimming: it was about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The color was just about the same as that in this picture. It invites me to feel sleepy and made my heart thump from kind of nostalgie. I was in between two thoughts: I have no home to come back and I could go anywhere I like; It's time to go home.

Now I love taking siesta, or catnap, in the afternoon in summer in this rather hot, humid room. I fall asleep reading something or just day dreaming. I wake up gradually mostly from weird feeling. I get up in full sweat, to regret having wasted my precious time, but at the same time I just love it: that moment reminds me of those childhood summer days which I mentioned above, memories not particularly special. That moment is also very alike that which I had during my school days. In the afternoon I couldn't resist sleepiness and fell asleep in the class, waking up feeling ennui and having no sense of where I was. I miss those old days sometimes, but not so enough to feel that I wish to go back, to be young again. Some odd steps led me where I am, to this pendent state where I can't call myself something concrete. Which seems just the same as this time of a summer day: at 3 or 4 in the late afternoon. I love it.

I just wanted to write about my favorite time, and I wandered around to lose the track. Well forgive me; it's my blog, my space for murmuring and letting out miscellaneous things that I have in mind.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Tabby when he was a little kittenタビヲさんの弔いは完全な自己流でおこなったのだけど、それでも7日というサイクルで時の経過を数えて、ひとつひとつの区切りにしている。




How've you been doing over the rainbow, Tabby? It's been 7 weeks since you went far away. When I'm alone thinking of you, I can't hold back my tears. I just miss you.

And I am sorry for a friend's loss of his loved cat Fifi.

Tabby when he was a little kitten: w/ LOMO LC-A; April, 2002

Monday, August 09, 2010


sunflower in the sky


Today is the day Nagasaki was bombed with a-bomb.
I commemorated to moan the victims and pray for a world withoug Nuke at 11:02, when the a-bomb exploded over Nagasaki City.

I hope 8.6 or 8.9 will be "Nuclear Abolition Anniversary" in the near future. You may NOT  say I'm a dreamer. I believe it's not only me:)

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Sunday. Drove to Kochi, Shikoku region, after having a party at a friend's on Saturday night.
I arrived at 8 in the morning, called my aunts, which surprised them very much;D I dropped at their house after about 10 years. I was so much relieved and happy to see they looked fine and that they were happy to have me. They fixed me breakfast and we chatted for a  few hours.
I went to the famous Sunday Market in Kochi, getting on the streetcar. They run lovely trams only on Sunday. Unfortunately I couldn't capture them with my cameras. Took a few pics at the Market, went to my favorite cafe to have lunch, strolled around the back streets, saw some cats and visited a lovely little shop.
And I met a friend living in Kochi, in this pic. He came to see me despite a sudden notice;p) We had a short but leisurely photo-shoot walking. Thanks for your kindness, z:)


Friday, August 06, 2010



I never want to live in horror of NUKE, nor do I think of A-bombing on the two cities was  "necessary good" or even "necessary evil".

BTW these days I can't help thinkig that this global warming & extraordinary heat wave is due to the repeated nuclear-bomb tests around the world. I watched again a TV documentary program on nuke and got frightened to see the video of the tests; Millions of lives were deprived.
I say absolutely NO to NUKE.

Today it is fine, too hot, this year again.


Thursday, August 05, 2010


adventure: w/Bessa Flex TM + C.Z. Flektogon 2.4/35

I really need some exercise! I'm on vacation from Saturday, so, I'll go off somewhere and walk a lot, shooting of course;)) Can't wait!
But before having fun, I have to complete what's in front of me.


Wednesday, August 04, 2010


floatingfloating on the pond of laziness;)

I did nothing but a little surfing on the net and a lot of siesta. Wow! I have little time before the group exhibition of photos taken with toy cameras @ modeee. I know that, but I just didn't feel like making something for it. I didn't have any idea of how to display the photos for it. (The elaboration of display matters a lot in that exhibition, because modeee is a shop that deals with lovely things for everyday life.)

After catnapping long, though, I decided which photos to use for the exhibition. (I'm sorry I didn't go shooting new photos for it.) That leaves me the problem of display. I'll do it tomorrow. Yes, I have only one day for preparation!


でもたっぷり寝たあと、トイカメ展@@ modeeeで使う写真が決まりました。(残念ながら今年も新しい写真を撮りに行くことがかなわなかった・・・!インスピレーション枯渇してます)さて、あとはどう展示するか、なのだけど、これが難題・・・!しかも明日1日しかない!>_<

floating: w/ Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


if onlyI wish I could melt into the sea water.

Now, at 9 a.m. it's already 35 degrees C  high! :(( I'm all sweat...!
I don't use air conditioner most of the time (I don't like it), the weak breeze through the window soothes me a little.

I wanted to eat somen, japanese vermicelli usually eaten cold with soup, for breakfast, but my father fixed traditionally japanese breakfast of hot rice, miso soup, and grilled dried fish. Ugh... not bad, but a little heavy for summer morning.

I can see large thunderclouds, so a shower can be expected:)) Hope it'll tone down the heat!



Monday, August 02, 2010

note on my SX-70

rest: w/Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film

SX-70の中央の○(the split circle)は、フォーカス専用だった!フレームするためのものじゃなかった!!>_<
貴重な600フィルム(どこかのサイトで¥ 1,000,000てのを見たのですが・・・夢だったのか?と思ったら、ちゃんとアマゾンに出てました。オイオイオイ・・・!)をまた無駄にしちまいました。

Sunday, August 01, 2010

I for ...

hinemosu notari...I? Ice? Ivory? hmmm, I don't think of many concrete things starting with "i". I could talk about ice, especially because it's high summer, but I will talk about "island".
Yes, i for island.
I can say I live in a big island named "Shikoku" and I can'T help longing for islands: I sometimes dream of traveling to vast, deserted land on a continent, but mainly I crave for going to or just seeing islands, small islands.
I prefer islands not sophisticated nor too artistically decorated, I mean islands where old things and tradition are cherished. I like islands with its own time flowing. I love islands where cats lead a harmonious life with the local people:) The ideal is that people in town be more generous, considerate as they used to be, but I feel the case is not always so. Perhaps it is because I expect such favorable characters of  island people.


lento all day long; Syodosima Isle, Kagawa; May, 2007

a routine
a routine; Henoko, Okinawa; june 2010


I drove doun south. At a gallery in a small seaside town I encountered a painting. Above all the photos and other art works, the painting of colorful unique cats grabbed my heart. I was wrapped with a happy content feeling. It was just the very image I crave for. (wish I could express that world with my photo!)