Monday, November 30, 2009



白菜のナムル(前の日から続いてる^^;)、おからサラダ(これも!いやいや、奈良漬けがなかったので代わりにブルーチーズ&柿を具に)、焼き豆腐(with 生姜醤油)、根菜スープ、菜飯、ルッコラのサラダ(これにもまた柿!+生ハム+かぶのグリル)、

I heard it's good for the brain to remember what you eat the day before. It'll make the brain active, they say. So I started it. I can remember 6 of 8 dishes but I just can't think of the others. Awww!

lovely round eyes : Panasonic 822P

p.s. とりあえず、あと1品思い出した!大根の炊いたんを食べたんだった!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

photo uploaded!

Hmmm, I doubt I could call those "photos", 'cuz I took them with my mobile, but I uploaded a set on flickr for the meantime.

I dropped into the usual old temple on my way from shopping (as always I went to the farmers' market;) to see if the leaves have turned red and yellow. They are on the way, but were beautiful though some were frizzed.



deepening: Panasonic 822P (w.b/light bulb) + edited on PC

Saturday, November 28, 2009



そんなハチミツな日々に嬉しいプレゼント!800 for eatsしなみつをいただきました♪わーん、うれしい!ブンブンブン♪


if only I could fly

A friend is taking part in a group exhibition of illustration in Tokyo. It's open until December 5. I do wish I could fly to Tokyo to see it! I had promised to but things won't allow me to. That's so stressful and depressing to me. I'm dying to see her works. *sob*


The photo has some works by the illustrator, but she says the works she's showing at this exhibition are not quite the same. They have more calm pretty feel.


heartwarming : Polaroid SX-70 + Time Zero film (150 film); October 23, 2003

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I really ate and drank too much for the 2 nights! Seeming my body is apt to store fat this cold season (and due to my age;p), I have to be really careful what and how much I eat and drink from now on.

On the right is one of the dishes I made : lotus root pizza:) Rotus root, Japese leek, creamy havarti, and herbal hot sesami oil on pizza crust of whole wheet. *I use lotus root (and many other vegetables) without peeling.


連日使ったクリーミーハヴァティ。そのまま食べてもしっかりした風味だし、焼いてもおいしいチーズ♪ ティラミスも食べたし、チーズ取り過ぎ?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Celebrate! ~ ring in my new year

For a special day, I took only 1 photo with my SX-70. It looks like I haven't taken my cats with a Polaroid, so it was really great though I couldn't make all my cats appear in Polaroid frame.

I came home and found Tabi was out. I called out for him, but he didn't even answer. I was so worried though my parents said he was just catnapping somewhere around. But for about 4 hours things never changed. I thought perhaps my birthday this year would be the worst in my life. I couldn't bear the thought. I looked and called for him frantically, when I saw something moving in my car. It's Tabi!!! He was crying though I couldn't hear his voice because the car was completely shut. Now I let him out and felt really relieved! Whew!

Oh, don't worry; he's just fine:) I'm fine, too:))



his favorite place : Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film (expired)

p.s. Happy Birthday, dear fenny:))

Sunday, November 22, 2009




Saturday, November 21, 2009



Regular check-up is over!
So it's time for a party:)
High-calory bread and sweets
await me


*went to that old temple, but seemed to be a bit too early for shooting red momiji*

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

from a distance, from a height

can you see...?Stand on a high vantage place, and you can see what is invisible on the ground. Happiness you enjoy is sometimes hard to realize, unless you lose it.





invisible but present happiness: Polaroid SX-70 + 600film

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

really good?

I've been among the people who caught swine flu, but the symptom has never shown on me. I don't keep goo time or eat properly, so one thing I come up with for the reason I stay well (at least for the time being) is manuka honey, a special honey from New Zealand. I ate it several times a day.
Ah, there's one more thing: gargle of nose and throat with lukewarm water with salt:) But unlike honey, I do it only when I come back home.



donut men at work : CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4; Athens, Greece; March, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

V for ... velo

I miss this bike very much. This is an old rusty bike but has a nice flavor. It makes me travel to those old days in my imagination.
I always took this bike with my cameras but it's gone, no longer you can find this bike out there.

I bicycled every day in my school days for about 10 years! I was a very fast biker because I was almost too late for the most mornings. I hated riding my bicycle on rainy days, and sometimes got tired of it. But for recent years I crave for a bicycle and that may be because I just can't help taking photos of bicycles around. With some exceptions, bicycles are pretty and convenient, eco-friendly tool, and have an old nostalgic feel so I love them:)


good old days : Polaroid SX-70 + 600film ; summer, 2005

Saturday, November 14, 2009

kiritori -- uploaded:)

I've uploaded a photo set "utu se mi", photos I took on a summer day in Kyoto. The title means the shedding of cicada, but I made up a different, additional meaning and kanji to it;) It was August 17, a hot day but Kyoto had the feel everywhere that summer had gone. I hope you'll enjoy the photos. Click "kiritori" far below (if you've got to my blog directly, click here and then you'll find the title and give it another click). Thank you for your trouble.

kiritoriに写真セット「utu se mi 〜空蝉/虚身」をアップしました。(久しぶりにflickrではなく自分の借りてるサーバーにupload。笑)


oideyasu: CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4 + Kodak Ektachrome 100Plus


Why do I still stay up? I should have been asleep. In fact I had meant to visit this place and nearby forest; I would have been on the way now. But it's been raining heavily, too heavily, the mountain road must be muddy and dangerous, so I gave it up:(( I love light rain, but this weather with this much rain brought me down. But I had one thing I enjoyed: watched on TV towns my friends live. I wished it were I that was walking there:)


*I had a lovely thing, really feel happy. PEACE! *

このところ意外と聞くことがなかったPEACE という言葉になぜかこの半日で2度出会う。なんだかにっこり。Love & Peace!:))

calling : CONTAX Aria + Distagon 35/f1.4 + Kodak 400UC ; Shikoku Karst; sep. 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

an apple a day

Will it keep the doctor away? I do hope so.
I have been careful not to get swine flu, and the symptom has not shown yet, but I might have catch the virus. Hmmm.



guardian : Polaroid SX-70 + 600film

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

no need

to be analyzed

I know what I think, how I feel at the bottom of my heart; it's just that I don't know how to avoid it, I'm at a loss what to do.

(Oh, don't take it too seriously! I have rapid mood swings, you know. And I had another lovely day:)




protection : CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4 + Kodak 400UC ; sep.22, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1+1=2 (maybe more)

This autum fig has been sold longer than usual. Maybe it's just I feel that way. But I don't find fig ripen just. But soon we won't find raw fig so I decided to make confiture of fig. I added strawberry, which was also not ripen enough, but I thought the sourness and the scent would give it a nice snap. Sugar, honey for sweetening, and vanilla beans for seasoning. After cooking on high heat for 10 minutes, ta-dah! You have fig and strawberry confiture full of texture of fig, scent, taste:))



sprang : CONTAX Aria + Macro Planar 60/f2.8 + Kodak 400UC

Sunday, November 08, 2009



I hated clothes with flower pattern, nor did I love flowers in particular. Without realizing it I've come to love flowers, feeling they are pretty no matter what. It seems that as I grow older I get simple and honest to my own feelings. Perhaps.

tiny fireworks : Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA 1 + 600 film (expired)


Saturday, November 07, 2009




Learned again an important lesson: Never take photos at darkening hour or motif of dark tones with an SX-70! The results were too light: not ones I had expected. I have only 4 packs of the film. They say "the Impossible Project" will issue a new film for Polaroid instant cameras, but I am not sure if I will be able to afford some. So I have to be careful not to waste my film left.

A friend texts me and we are on a sudden outing, enjoying lovely cafe and nice photo exibition. Full stomach I'm now at home and having coffee, thinking about where I am going tomorrow:))

failures (today's Polaroid pics): Panasonic 822P

Thursday, November 05, 2009



As if to say "It's just for me! Nobody touch this!"


Koma's happiest moments may be when she has me coming back with a full shopping bag;) She loves fish most of all. In fact she loves all the delicious, high quality things in the world, but she really loves those tiny young fish cooked soft (she also loves those dried in the sun;). She is also fond of shrimp but I don't often buy shrimp...


This little cooked fish is soo delicious I love it no less than Koma. I try not to give much of the fish to Koma because I guess the fish contains quite a lof of salt. But she says eating delicious this if what life is all about, isn't it? What's the meaning of living long by denying yourself many pleasures of life? So I give in. (Well, my cats eat simple dried cat food every day. It's no harm eating delicious stuff once in a while.)



her happiest moments: CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/ f1.4 + Kodak 400UC; August, 2009




Where there's water, there's Tabi;)

I get into toilet; Tabi jumps on my wrap. I soak in the buthtab; Tabi walks in and sits around, licking drops of water or drinking from the tap. I stand at the sink to prepare meal; Tabi is ready to be spoiled, urging me to hold him in my arms.

I picked him when he was around 3 weeks old, so he has been brought up in the same circumstances as my other cats, but he alone has such a weird habit. Why?
Cats are really interesting, mysterious, bizarre;D

baby me! ; CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4 + Kodak 400UC ; August, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

7 times the Itch

Tiramisu at 7 o'clock in the morning:))


My nose itches badly and has been running a lot since this morning. My eyes also itches a lot. Hmmm, mayby I have a hay fever again or it's because of the down quilt I took out from the closet?

鼻がムズムズ&ズルズル 、止まらぬ。目もかゆい。再び花粉症か・・・?それとも寒いからと引っ張り出した羽毛布団?(どうもこっちのような気がする・・・ネコズはヘーチャラで布団の上で丸くなってる。今日も寒いからね〜。)

short sight + astigmatism (in fact I can't see beyond my nose;) : Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Forest calls me

This I took in a wood in Athens, while the photo in the post the day before yesterday was of Kyoto:))
Yesterday chocolate called me, but today forest calls me;D Yes, I do feel like going into a wood, soaking in negative ion, feeling chilly fresh air especially because I've been at home for 4 days now.



I didn't do anything but cocooning in futon with books and my cats because of the coldness. I hate it being cold in the house while I love walking out in cold weather. It's good today was a day-off, I thought in dizziness from traveling around in a story of Amy Tan and Haruki Murakami. I crept out of my futon as it got a little warm when Koma roared again and again for something "special" to eat. Well, it's good she has a good appetite; it's sign of her good health. On contrary Yoda is still sleeping in the blanket; he is not so patient with the coldness.

Now I'll prepare dinner; spaghetti with tomato and cauliflower sauce, okara salad, and tiramisu (again! ;D)

in a Greek wood; CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4 + Ferrania Solaris 200; march, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009



Fed up with throat drops. I liked them at first, though. Now I crave for bitter bitter black chocolate. The chocolate in the photo left was my favorite. I don't see it sold now.


ちらりと目をやったテレビである人の教えとして取り上げられていた、"Find your words."というフレーズにはじかれたような、みぞおち殴られたような、心持ちがした。

It was very cold today, and that suddenly. I wrapped myself up in my blanket and tried to read, but before I proceeded 3 pages I fell asleep. I've been spending my days off that way: reading 10 pages and sleeping 18 hours a day. Hmmm, what a lazy life! But now I have perionychium in my right middle finger I have trouble doing my things. I just have to be a good girl to stay home...

In a TV program I glanced at, "Find words" a phrase someone was saying caught my attention. It rang my bell. So inspiring and profound.

bitter bitter sweet: Polaroid SX-70 + 150 film; November, 2003

Sunday, November 01, 2009

looking forward, looking back

Standing on the starting line of November, I uploaded a new set of photos taken with HOLGA. These photos I took in august and september. I titled it "distant thunder", though in fact I didn't hear any thunder rumbling when I took those photos;) Just a matter of association of image.



出してたフィルムのうち1本、「もしかしてうつってないかも」と思ってはいたものの、実際写っていないと・・・やはりショックで悲しい。ILFORD Advocateに入れてあったフィルム、あれ、いつまでもフィルムが巻ける、もしや・・?だったのですが、どうもフィルム装填でナニか失敗したのか(そうだと思いたい!シャッター不良の未露光はいやだ〜><)、全く写ってなかったのでした。くすん、ソラリスのフィルム1本無駄にした。それも悲しい。えーと、京都、高知、近所の夕焼け、かな?京都に持って行ったっけ???


reading : CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4 + Kodak 400 UC ; Kyoto Gyoen, Kyoto; 8/17, 2009