How's your holidays? Mine is getting over soon. I had been in kind of apathy and reluctant from the pain in my back and neck, finding it difficult to keep my motivation high. But during and after the new year's days when I just had no choice but do a lot of house chores (because my family got together) I seemed to get motivated. I even worked on making the calendar for 2011 at last!
I sometimes find it very hard to keep enthusiastic but I'm trying to snap out of it and determined to join group exhibitions and I hope to have my 3rd personal photo show in autumn. I started
a project for this year on flickr to go back to basic, to keep reminded of what my photos are all about.
Have you made some new year resolution? (Well, I know it's kind of weird to do so just because it's the start of a new year;p)
a cat looking away; w/ CONTAX Aria; October 2010
ってここまで思い切り宣伝記事でした>w< すみません。