Monday, January 31, 2011

Tokushima Marché:とくしまマルシェ その1

w/BessaFlexTM + Asahi Super Takumar 1.8:55mm


Saturday, January 29, 2011


happiness & harmony; w/LOMO LC-A; Okinawa; October, 2007

for me is this image. But I have to show another one. 
The regular group photo exhibition starts on Sunday, January 30 at "Yukai Shachu Soragumi", Tokushima. (At the station of Nikenya on Mugi Line of JR Shikoku)



Thursday, January 27, 2011

a comfortable place

a comfortable place

I took this photo in high summer, 2009, but I would love to visit this cafe in this cold days. It's been a while since I last whiled away at this cafe...
I feel comfortable here mainly because the place has kind of  a messy feel like my room;p


w/CONTAX Aria, if my memory serves me right

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

anticipation of winter winding down: ほどける冬


w/Olympus E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4:35mm

hand down: 紡いでいく手




I saw sincere beautiful work by hand. It is traditional thread spinning & weaving, made from a tree which is also used to make japanese paper. I hope work like this will be handed down and known more widely.

See the full gallery on my WordPress

w/Olympus E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm

Sunday, January 23, 2011

in the dusk

4/52: mommy and kitten (52 weeks of "meet the cat")
Today I post this one for my 52 weeks project on flickr. They are among those stray cats who are not so friendly but still adorable.

BTW I have saved my last pack of 600 film, but this one is the second to last. Perhaps I will use the last frame to photograph cats, or perhaps other things... well, I don't know.


w/Polaroid SX-70 + expired 600 film

p.s. この子たちが、傷つけられず、無事に自由に猫らしく生きていけますように。

Saturday, January 22, 2011

w/CONTAX Aria + Carl Zeiss Planar 1.4:50mm





Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
♪Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Ri-tan
Happy birthday to you~~~♪

She is a daughter of a friend of mine. She just turned 2 years old on January 20, and will have a sister this year:)) I believe she'll make a good and lovely big sisiter!
She was very pleased with the various cakes, which were early gift from us. Happy birthday!


I do envy you have such a lovely girl, J-chan!!

w/Olympus E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tunisian night

Tunisian night It was a night with a full moon like today's. I walked around in Medina of Tunis and met many lovely cats and people. They were for the most nice people.
With the current condition, I am worried and hope that people there are safe, wishing the country the best. I strongly wish no more bloodshed.


@Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia; w/BessaFlexTM + Carl Zeiss Flektogon 2.4/35mm; May, 2009

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


red is my favorite color. Red food has something good for your  health and beauty in general.;))
But I don't like it very much when Polaroid pics get reddish in whole like this. It's because I just had to use those expired film and because it was a bit too cold.

In this season I first associate red with strawberries. I only love fresh raw ones, not processed or  strawberry-flavored things. I just can't stand those things.  But I've found one exception: strawberry gummy candy from Meiji, which includes 51% of "Amaou" strawberry juice. I chewed and gulped a whole pack. I found it delicious, but I feel something wrong with my appetite these days. So I have a sense that I will get tired of it next time I buy it, perhaps.


winter red; w/Polaroid SX-70 + expired 600film

Monday, January 17, 2011


She is staring with a twinkle:)) You could never get tired of being with a baby like her.

Unfortunately, with this pic I couldn't bring the camera into focus as usual. So I used some soft effect on it.
I took many many photos of lovely babies but a few of them were right into focus. It's always the case with E-P1 & me. Which is why I don't like that camera very much. Nevertheless I love pics I took today:))


making a debut on the net; w/Olympus E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm

Sunday, January 16, 2011


for them are the sun, food, and love. Mine is almost the same, though I haven't found my "human" love yet. And maybe because I am a humanbeing, my lifeblood adds to more. It's not good. I wish I could be simpler. As simple as cats. When I look at myself and people around the world in general, current affairs, we would be happier more easily if we were more modest.


w/Polaroid SX-70 + 600film (expired)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

just can't help it

just can't help it 
I love bread. I love "Le Petit Mec" in Kyoto. The atmosphere attracts me even more. I feel as if I were in downtown of Paris. A friend and I made a one-day outing for Kinki prefecture so we had a chance to drop by and buy some bread there for the first time in a long time. This pic is breakfast of a day in this week. Happy and fulfilling beakfast:)) I just can't resist the temptation of my loved bread.

パンが好きです。しばらくはご飯!パンは買うまい!と思っていたけれど、先週の日曜日、やはり誘惑には勝てませんでした。せっかくここまで来たんやし、と、帰り道、ちょっと寄り道してLe Petit Mecへ。フランス下町な雰囲気あふれるのもたまりません。栗と柚子のハードなパン、りんごのタルト(?)が特に気に入りました。他にも店舗ができてたんか〜〜!

w/Olympus E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm


as in the past years

as in the past yearstomorrow it's gonna be very cold with snow:((
The annual National Center Test for University Admissions is conducted for 2 days from tomorrow. It is somehow cold without fail on the days, even in warm winters. I will go to a local university to cheer up my students if it doesn't snow. (It'll be a bit dangerous to go there by car, my only mode of travel, in case it does.)
The sky is already very cloudy... I just wish them the best luck!!




Friday, January 14, 2011


EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hey, kitty!

Hey, kitty! didn't you see if I left the electric heater on or someone put it on?
When I came home half an hour ago and got into my room, I found my old electric heater had been on! Scary! It was lucky it didn't catch fire or my cats were not burnt. Considering I left for work12 hours ago, it really was.



fluffy: w/Olympus E-P1 + C.Z. Distagon 1.4/35mm

p.s. 後でやってみよっと。猫の手相見

Saturday, January 08, 2011

just to drop a line

just to drop a line
I believe you (and I) can always find a stream of light if you try:)

w/BessaFlexTM + C.Z. Flektogon 2.4/35mm; Tunisia; May 2010

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I got you!

I got you!
keeping aloof with curiosity; w/ Leica M6 + SUMMILUX 1.4/35mm


I got excited with this encounter. A hot morning in late July, 2010; in a small fishing town.
I crave for a "shutter chance" like this. I don't know the right words in English for it. Chance encounter? Is there anything else? Wouldn't you tell me?

Monday, January 03, 2011


looking away How's your holidays? Mine is getting over soon. I had been in kind of apathy  and reluctant from the pain in my back and neck, finding it difficult to keep my motivation high. But during and after the new year's days when I just had no choice but do a lot of house chores (because my family got together) I seemed to get motivated. I even worked on making the calendar for 2011 at last!
I sometimes find it very hard to keep enthusiastic but I'm trying to snap out of it and determined to join group exhibitions and I hope to have my 3rd personal photo show in autumn. I started a project for this year on flickr to go back to basic, to keep reminded of what my photos are all about.

Have you made some new year resolution? (Well, I know it's kind of weird to do so just because it's the start of a new year;p)

a cat looking away; w/ CONTAX Aria; October 2010

ってここまで思い切り宣伝記事でした>w< すみません。

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy new year!

Happy new year!


akané o;no

p.s.#1: いつか何処かで見た写真で許してたも
p.s.#2: 2010年最後の我が家の一大ニュースを書き忘れてた!昨日は久しぶりに年越しそば(最近はうどんが多かった!)を食べたのですが、今まで肉魚以外は全く興味を持たなかったコマさんがおそばをチュルチュルッと食べたのです!しかももっとくれ、と催促。そして食べた後やたら元気だった・・・!すごくびっくり。そして食べてるコマさんが可愛らし過ぎた!!年明け一発目の親バカでした。えへへ。