残りはutakata @wordpressにて。雨がふったりしたけれど、なんとか猫さんたちにも会えたみなみの町。
I've uploaded photos I took the next day, July 18. It rained on and off, but we could meet a few lovely cats, and enjoyed yummy stuff at cafes.
See more photos on my wordpress thank you.
w/ BessaFlex + Asahi Super Takumar 55mm/f1.8
残りはutakata @wordpressにて。雨がふったりしたけれど、なんとか猫さんたちにも会えたみなみの町。
I've uploaded photos I took the next day, July 18. It rained on and off, but we could meet a few lovely cats, and enjoyed yummy stuff at cafes.
See more photos on my wordpress thank you.
w/ BessaFlex + Asahi Super Takumar 55mm/f1.8