Monday, February 28, 2011

in high spirits

in high spiritsI'm a bit reluctant to move, take an action, but feel in high spirits, like this cat in the pic;)) Sounds odd? ;D
I saw a TV program and was very inspired. So now I have another dream: my dream travel. It will be very very hard; I have a tons of things to learn, but I hope to achieve it some day.



Hiwasa, Tokushima; October, 2010; w/VOIGTLÄNDER Bessaflex + Carl Zeiss J. Flektogon 2.4:35mm

neco x lc-a

neco x lc-a

Onomiti, Hiroshima; Septembre, 2010


Saturday, February 26, 2011

bike x rust x lc-a

bike x rust x lc-a I cannot help but shooting when I see rust, a bike (especially old one), something withering. And I love shooting them with LC-A!
I have long wanted to get a bike, but haven't been able to decide on which type I want. Hmmm, there are so many lovely bikes, and they are expensive! ;D
I am inclined to get a light and fast one, but at the same time am attracted helplessly to an old rustic bike.
Well, I recently did another impulse buy and it cost me quite a lot, so I have to refrain from seeing catalogs of bicycles anyway.


w/LOMO LC-A+ & lomography 100 film

Friday, February 25, 2011


for your NostalgiaI didn't have many puppets; in fact if I remember correctly, all I had was just a few of them. And I was not a girl who cherished such things.
But when I saw this scene at a flea market, I was overwhelmed by some feelings of nostalgia. I came nearly to shed tears. These puppets have such innocent and somewhat sad look at the same time, don't they?


借りっ放しだったLOMO LC-A+。カメラに関していろいろ不吉なことが続いてるので、返さなくては!と気持ちが焦ってるけれど、やっぱり好きやなぁロモ。もう10年ほどになる自分のLC-Aは直る気がしないので、もうこれ以上の修理には出さずにそのまま持っていることにする。でもやっぱり欲しいな。また縁がありますように・・・!

w/LOMO LC-A; film: lomography 100; Kochi, Japan; September 2010

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was making bread last night, when I noticed I have no hard flour left. Instead there was some "graham bread flour", so I used it alone. And I kneaded and breathed dough.
But this morning I woke up to find the dough was not swollen enough. Hmmm... what should I do? I am not so familiar with bread baking, so I continued the usual process. I raised the dough and now I am going to put it in the oven. What will I get? Will it be edible?? OK, I will eat it however hard it is. (Yes, the bread will be very very hard!)
I could have stopped making the bread when I found I had no right flour, but I have that fresh chèvre cheese I got from Paris, so I definitely wanted to eat it with bread, so it just couldn't be helped;D


w/CONTAX Aria + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4:35mm

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

greetings for Japan Cats Day: neko no hi

for Japan Cats Day : 22/2/2011
Yoda;w/OLYMPUS E-P1 + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4:35mm


Monday, February 21, 2011


We drove and walked around and then encountered an old inn which is not in use now. I was attracted to it and its weathercock on the roof. Well, it's rather hard to figure out in this photo, though.



I will try a new thing. It's kind of a thing I thought hard for me to do. I should ask for some advice, perhaps. But I don't know what to ask. As they say,  you won't know until you've done it. I guess this is the case.

w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA 1 + 600 (expired)

petit à petit

Chèvre, Galopin, et camembert. P'tit Piaf (vin rouge).
It's a little pleasure to have  bit by bit of them.
In fact I haven't tried the wine, though;p I'm not familiar with wine, so I bought this wine just because I loved the label. See? The drawing of a bird is lovely, isn't it?

I wish I could go on a picnic with these cheese and wine, and some bread. It's still a bit cold for that, I guess, but it'd be fun. Hey, will someone join me?


w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA 1 + 600 (expired)←やっと出番の廻ってきたもう1台のポラロイド

Sunday, February 20, 2011


7/52: Koma  (52 weeks of "meet the cat")毎週プロジェクト、ギリギリ間に合ったー。というか、やっつけ写真だけど>m<





Saturday, February 19, 2011

bye bye my ALPHA SE

bye bye my ALPHA SEThis is the last photo with my long loved SX-70 ALPHA SE.
I think it good that I used it last in Paris, my loved and longing place.
I do hope that my SX-70 will be used and enjoyed with care by someone in Paris.

Well, I will definitely visit the city and will take a lot of photos with SX-70 some day!

これが5年にわたって愛用してきたSX-70 ALPHA SE での最後の写真。最後の写真がパリでよかった、かも。あのカメラがあの街で誰かに大事に使われますよう切に祈る。

それにしてももっと違った写真も撮りたかったなぁ。メリーゴーラウンド、これの前にも別の場所で撮ってるのに>m< 絶対また行ってポラロイドで撮る!その先に野望はなく、ただあの街で暮らして写真撮りたい、っていう全く建設的ではない夢だけど、いいのだ。あれこれ計画を立てる人生じゃないから、私のは。

w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA SE + 600 (expired)

Friday, February 18, 2011

le ciel

le cielI wonder what life they are leading in a chic building like this one.
What I realized during the travel is people and their city affect each other very much. It may sound very natural, nothing new, but that I realized.



w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA SE + 600 (expired)


The Illutionist面白そう!そう言えばけっこう前にその映画の話を聞いてたんだった。絵が素敵・・・。これ

フレンチブルドッグ好きの方にお勧めしたいのがDue Date。もうすぐDVDになるのかな?飛行機の中で見てめっちゃ笑った&少しホロリん。それにしてもあのワンコがねーもうぅぅめっちゃかわいい。

見たかったeat pray loveも飛行機の中で鑑賞。ストーリーはあれだけど・・・でもイタリア熱、ますます高まり、バリ熱もMaxに。


Thursday, February 17, 2011

bien de Paris;)

bien de Paris;) C'est bien de Paris, c'est un autre cliché, mais c'est chouette, non? ;DD

I think it really lovely for them to have carrousels like this in many parts of the city!

That morning when I took this  photo, I met a man of Chicago origin who has lived in Paris 35 years. He said he loved and came to live in Paris. I know that feeling. He walks every morning around Montmartre, which is very envious!

典型的であろうと、この景色はやっぱり素敵。街中のメリーゴーラウンドにサクレ・クール寺院。みんなここ撮ってました。笑 でもかわいいんやもん、撮らなしゃあない!

carrousel & Basilique du Sacré-Coeul, Paris; w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA SE + 600 (expired)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


7/52: un chat de Paris  (52 weeks of "meet the cat")旅の度にトラブルが大きくなっていってる気がする。

もしアナタがパリでワインレッドの革に青いボタンのSX-70 ALPHA SE を見かけたら、それはワタシのポラロイドかもしれません。
警察に行ってdeclaration をもらうのに4時間以上かかった・・・!これで保険おりなきゃ泣き寝入りか〜。

それでもパリは!何もかもが丸ごとすばらしくて、魅力に圧倒されてしまい持って行ったフィルムもほとんど使ってません。一眼レフ(レンズ3つ)にあのラブリーなILFORD Advocate・・・荷物のめちゃ少ない私ですが、非常に重かった!しかもAdvocateもどうやら撮れてないぞ・・・<シャッターが何やら変

un chat de Paris; au Cimetière de Montmartre; w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA SE + 600 (expired)

travel in trouble

I have a feeling that I always have some trouble during travel, and that it is getting worse and worse. The last time when I had a trip to Okinawa, my return flight was destined to another airport probably because I made a mistake when I had made a reservation. And this time, in Paris, my cellphone was locked (my usual password didn't work to start the phone) and I couldn't use it, and what's worse, or what was the worst, I lost my SX-70 on the 2nd day!! So I had prepared film including the new PX film, and expired 600 which a generous friend gave me, I only took 5 pics with SX-70 (all with 600).
Oh, and there was another unexpected thing too...

Still, Paris was fascinating, full of charm and I have fallen love with the city again. (The first time was when I was only 5!) But the allure was so great that I was almost overwhelmed and couldn't take as many photos I had expected. I just felt like savoring the whole atmosphere; I knew that if I photographed at this or that moment, I would make a lot of cliché; photos wouldn't be ones that would convey the ambience... (but who knows?)
Well, I will go to Paris again! I hadn't prepared for this travel because I made the last minute's decision to fly there. But I learned a little and next time I will be more relaxed and take many more photos!

Like this I was inspired and felt happy in the rather warm pleasant climate in Paris, but now that I am back in Japan where it is very cold (unexpectedly!) and even snowed heavily for the first time in these 5 years, my winter disorder, SAD, seemed to have come back too. Uh-oh. The symptoms written on that page were all true of me in these 2-3 months. I had got better when I decided to go to Paris and I need to be that condition again somehow. I guess I'll try the remedies introduced on that site.

How's been your days? Feeling OK? Have no trouble at all? A little trouble makes some spice in life, but I hope not much happen to you.

@Helsinki, Finland; w/Polaroid SX-70 ALPHA SE + 600 (expired)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 05, 2011


grace grace

Both photos I took in last April or May in Kyoto, but I guess this flower bloom at this time of the year. No?

It's getting warmer and warmer here. I bought "heat-tech" from UNIQLO at a discount, and had a new pair of glasses fixed. (It was also at a cheap price:)



Thursday, February 03, 2011

the end of winter

the end of winter
w/BessaFlexTM + ASAHI Super Takumar 1.8:55mm + Kodak Royal 100

Today the cold eased a little; it's Setsu-Bun, which marks the end of winter on our Japanese calendar. 

I hope they're doing fine. 

