Sunday, February 28, 2010


Walked up and down the hills in a small town, sweating, getting a muscle pain in the legs, took 1 photo with the SX-70, and 2 rolls of 35mm film with a CONTAX SLR and the ILFORD Advocate, and 8 frames with a HOLGA. Not sure when I'll send the films to the photoshop to have them developed and printed;DD

I was made to realize again merciless and nature of life and death in the short trip. Tough and overwhelming, but so natural. Still it can't be forgiven to unduly kill any life.

なんだ坂こんな坂・・・と汗をかきながら降りたり登ったり。人ひとり通れる隙間的な(住民のための?)道が、どこへ辿り着くんだろう・・・的にずうっと続く。3時間の散歩(にしてはハードだった!)は、カメラ4台出動で肩も足もすぐさま筋肉痛。しかもSX-70はたった1枚を撮るためだけに持っていった・・・>m< お出かけの時くらい、もっと撮ってもいいかな(撮りたいなー!)、と思ったけれど、もうストックもないことだし、「週1枚」ルールにこだわってみる。


comfortable: Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film (expired); 7/52 weeks project

Friday, February 26, 2010

You are amazing!

I felt all the guys giving their best shot to whatever they do deserve solid gold medal. Still I was overwhelmed by Kim YuNa's perfromance, which looked just so perfect, beyond any challenge. It made me cry. And Mao-chan's performance. She performed beautiful, too, even though there were few points she couldn't do perfect what she wanted. Both showed their strength under such an incredible, unimaginable pressure. I wonder how much they did, what ever they have overcome, to perform their best.

I indulge myself, making a lot of errors and excuses every day. I can't say I always try my best at what I do, to my shame.





Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today at last I finished what was long in my mind. OK. I'll jump at the next thing to do. But now it's a terrible mess in my room after the bustling up.

To finish the job, I had to run for the first time in these few years, and had a sweat; I was surprised to find it had become so warm! Spring has come, hasn't it?

The photo has nothing to do with this post. Only do I crave for traveling somewhere over the ocean by seeing a long clear contrail in the sky and so I remember that morning in Macau. I miss that.



ni hao ma: Macau; August 2006


Tuesday, February 23, 2010




途中から見た映画、見たのが8年前言うても、こんなすっからかんにストーリーを覚えてないもんやろか。(しかも星4つつけてたのに?でも今なら星2つかな)>> 誘拐犯 DTSスペシャル・エディション [DVD]


winter blues : Polaroid SX-70 + 150 film (TimeZero); Dec. 2003

Monday, February 22, 2010


Teng-teng...always togetherI wake up this weird time of the night, called "ushi-mitsu doki", or ghostly hour. I catnapped while reading. I always awake from illusion when I fall asleep with the light or my PC on. I guess it's because our brain can't sleep in the least light (so I heard).

Oh! Today it's the CAT DAY in Japan:)) Vive les chats! Omedeto:D

I learn over and over again how I love cats. I learned how much my cats love me and how much they are "cats", while I was sick in bed for these last days. Especially Yoda. I had thought he was just like a dog, but I was wrong. He is the cat of cats.
They were almost always beside/on me, as if they were really concerned about me and to guard me, though Yoda alone was selfish as usual. He roared in the morning, scratched on the books to wake me up, and seeing me remain in futon, ran about and jumped on the petit table where I lay little things and prints. I ended up giving in to him, fixing food & his favorite dried bonito and clearing their litter boxes.

In the Polaroid photo is Tengteng, my loved princess. She was such a princess that she could never eat or use the litter box without me by her side.


forever : Polaroid 636 + 600 film; Aug. 2003


Saturday, February 20, 2010

G for gem

gem (n.)
1. (also gem stone) a beautiful stone that has been cut into a special shape, jewel
2. something that is very special or beautiful
3. very helpful or special person

I never seem to be inseparable from gem#1. I don't wear jewel or I don't buy one (nor does somebody given me one). I had 3 favorite gems: 2 of them were pendant, 1 was on a ring.
One pendant, my first genuine gem (diamond) on platinum necklace, was given by a neighbor as a gift for my getting into uni. The diamond was really very tiny, looking just like a stardust, so adorable. It was restrained and just right as a first jewel. But one day, after I stayed a night at a friend's room, I found the necklace missing. I didn't have the slightest idea where I had lost it. Maybe in her room, maybe on my way home. But it never came back to me.
The next gem, which I fell in love with at the first sight and bought for the first time, was a brand-name item. Which was also a pendant but I forgot what it was: I loved the design, but still can no longer describe what it was like. Because I lost it for the 2nd time I wore it. I remember I took it off before taking a shower, but after that I never saw it again.
And the 3rd and the last gem was a sapphire ring featuring an elephant, which I found in Bangkok and I really loved. I always wore the ring. It was kind of robust looking, so it suited my sturdy finger. But again, it' gone. At my brother's house, I let my nephew toy with the ring. After a while it's simply gone. The place was tidy so we thought we could find the ring soon, but however close we searched, the ring never showed up. Ha!! Then I gave up buying or having a gem. I always carry a limbo, or a black hole, around my right shoulder, and my favorite little tiny gems are supposed to be sucked into it. No doubt.

But I always know my cats are the gem#2 to me. They are a great deal more precious than gemstones! Far more beautiful!! No doubt about that:)
And I always appreciate your concern, gemmy friends:)) I am sometimes self-conscisous, dense, biased, slow, but you don't give up on me. You bring a breath of fresh air into me. Thank you.



gems: Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film (expired); 7/52 weeks project

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I miss a terrace with warm and soft bright sunshine.

I had decided not to catch a cold for this winter, and I was well thanks to the little things I think healthy and helpful to improve immunity. But I have had a sore throat these 3 days. Hmm, it's very frustrating if I really caught a cold. Especially spring is coming near! Maybe I'm just fine. I hope so.

Faye Dunaway as Bonnie Parker was really lovely. The last scene, "the Dance of Death" was impressive, contrasting sparkly with the adorable look just before that scene.




catnap: CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4; Santorini, Greece; March 2009

Monday, February 15, 2010

blue eyed peace

The title has no meaning in particular;p
I was excited by the program featuring live performance of the Black Eyed Peas,
which was soooo cool!

Koma & Yoda were behaving very very lovely,
so I just couldn't help shooting;)
(should've shot with a film camera, though)

Have a nice week!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Look of my Heart

rugged but lovelyNaaaah! It's not that I had a broken heart;p The truth is that I'm not even in love with someone. I don't give "giri-choco", obligatory chocolate; I buy some really nice chocolate for myself:)) But yesterday I stopped by at the department store there were so many to choose from I couldn't decide on which I wanted to eat. I ended up buying "the" baumkuchen and jellybeans;DD Well, I will go to the department store again and take my time to choose some. (Good chocolate is expensive of course so I just buy a little;)


ともあれ、Happy Valentine's Day!

rugged heart: Polaroid SX-70; Bohol Is., Philippines; May, 2008

Friday, February 12, 2010

coffee + Polaroid

have a nice I miss coffee! I haven't had any for these 2 days. I ordered my favorites from the usual coffee beans shop, but for some reason I don't know they haven't been delivered.

I'm a bit irritated because I have a heavy headache (because of the low pressure) and the email saying the Impossible Project is not yet completely sure that they can produce and sell their new Polaroid film. If their project ends impossible, I won't be able to photograph a scene with coffee like this, which I love so much! I miss the days I brought packs of Polaroid film with me, took so many photos of trivial things. I wish I could use as much film as I like. Oh, the obsession makes me even more frustrated, crave for coffee to soothe me.


aloma: Polaroid SX-70 + Time Zero (150 film); Nov. 2003


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

pay it forward


I've found out I love this tepid weather like that we have had these 2 days. With dense fog, which is rare where I live, the air feels tepid, feels so good. Some don't like it, I know, of course;))

あの映画は見てないのだけど、昨日見た記事でpay it forwardっていう言葉を見つけて調べたらこの映画に出くわしたのでした。素敵な行為だなー。わたしはこずるいし、小さいし、だらけまくり+自分に甘い+嫌いなことはやらない+めんどくさいことは避けてるの怠け者だけど、そういういろんな欠陥を、別のことで、自分に出来ることで埋め合わせ(には到底間に合わんけれど)出来れば、と願う。

Thanks, Lars, for giving me a Flickr Pro account! I'll pay it forward. I'm full of defects, I'm not a good person you think I am. I don't have a heart of gold. Rather, I'm a goldbrick, feline, and I indulge myself too often. But I wish to make up for such defects with something else.

une famille (failure ver.): BessaFlexTM + Carl Zeiss Flektogon 35/f2.4; Medina of Tunis, Tunisia; May 2009


Monday, February 08, 2010


en preparation: CONTAX Aria; Nov. 2009



Sunday, February 07, 2010


conversation: a la station de la Marsa, Tunisia; May, 2009

I've been posting on flickr some of the photos from my photo show last summer. They are in the set titled "couleurs d'air". It's not complete, though; I'll keep adding some photos for a while. I'd be happy if you would check them. Thank you:))




Saturday, February 06, 2010

for the first time: 初体験

さっそく、iTunes で音楽を買ってみました。

MTVのサイトでHope for Haitiのライブビデオを見て、歌の力、やっぱすごいなー、年末のアレなんて、ナニが歌の力だったの?(失礼!でも正直な気持ち今頃白状)とあらためて感じ入り。この前のマドンナのCDはすぐに飽きてしまってもう手元にないのだけれど、ライブはやはりいいなぁ。それにエメリーヌ・ミシェルという人のあの声、腹のそこにじわーっと来る。ビヨンセ・・・TVかネットかでちょろっとしか見聞きしたことなく、私が今までみたビヨンセ=渡辺直美さんだったので、歌っているのを見て、わー、カッコいい、いい声!と感動(嗚呼今更、ですが^^;)。
1日1円、ってのも長く広く続けば価値あることだけど、今もっと即座に出来ることを、と思い、そうは言うてもかなり遅ればせながら、買いましたHope for Haiti。最近の音楽、ホンマに知らないので、ふーん、こういう人たちが活躍してるんだなぁ、あ、名前は知ってるけどこんな歌うたってるんか、とか発見もいろいろ。


prayer: CONTAX Aria; Sep. 2005


Now I'm playing a beautiful series of music, dipping me into the feel of traveling:)

I have never bought music via iTunes or some other "download" website yet. I have always bought music CD. It's partly because I don't have any portable MP3 or media players. But nowadays, especially now that I try to be more eco-friendly and realized that it would be more "green" to download music instead of buying CDs online and having them delivered. No doubt about it, but... I love booklets! And beautifully made package (e.g. the CDs I bought the other day each had lovely paper container). So as a paper-lover, it'd be a very very tough choice to download music without its jacket. (But soon I'll be doing so. It'll save me the trouble & the space for keeping CDs and money. And yes, it's a green deed.)

I'm afraid that books made of paper will disappear in a development like this.


でも、iTunesで主に語学系のpodcast(無料でいろんなもの聞けてありがたいことです)番組をいろいろ聞くうちに、どうしてもiTunes Storeも覗いてしまい、うーん、そうやよな、やっぱりダウンロードはエコよね、それにCDがごちゃごちゃしない(いつもジャケットと中身が一致しなくなるし、散らかる)し、その上安いし!


drop: CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4; Athens, Greece; March 2009


Thursday, February 04, 2010

another project: one book a week

Hmm, one-book-a-week project doesn't go fine as planned. But I have read 3 books (not including photo books) so far. I'll finish another 2 books for the weekend, so it'll be coming along:)

I'm reading 2 books by Salinger; I stopped reading "NINE STORIES" long ago, but last week, by a mere accident, I drew out his books and put them on the pile of books I'm thinking of reading. And the next day, I heard his death. A hunch, isn't it? So I re-started reading the book, but I wanted to try his best known, "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE", which I have not read even in Japanese. I was kind of excited, but accidentally I overheard the ending. ooops... It's the least thing I wanted to. Anyway, I keep on trying, though there're way too many words & phrases I don't know, very tough ones in there.

先日、読んでない本の山の中からサリンジャー氏の2冊を引っ張り出し、読む山の一番上に置いたのでしたが、その翌日、彼の訃報を聞いてびっくり。これは読まなくては!!と、読みかけだった「ナイン・ストーリーズ」と同時進行で「キャッチャー・イン・ザ・ライ」に手を付けたものの・・・むずかし〜〜!!>_< バリバリ受験英語に浸かっているので、手強すぎるー。でも不思議な縁(??)を機にがんばって挑戦を続けることにします。

wanna go sleep, but

I just can't now: I started preparing dough in the afternoon,
fermenting it slowly with very little yeast, and now at midnight, on the way of the second fermentation. I have to wait for another 50 minutes, and then bake the bread. So I have to keep awake. Feeling very sleepy and cold, I'm struggling desperately against the invitation of warm futon and my cats...
I learned: it's not the right season for making bread at home; it's kind of waste of energy, too!


This photo is from those I took in Athens last March. He was resting under the table of a taverna. Peaceful afternoon it was.


in the sleepy afternoon: CONTAX Aria + Planar 50/f1.4; Athens, Greece; March 2009

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

pori pori

5/52: farewell to winterTomorrow is the beginning of spring, "Rissyun", on our calender, though it was another cold day today. And as a tradition, today on "setsubun", we throw soybeans chanting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uti!", to drive away the evil and let in the good. The beans are thought to purify the house. But to save the trouble, I just eat the roasted soybeans (top-left in the photo). And these days it's become a "new" tradition to eat "Eho-maki", large rolled sushi with 7 kinds of filling, facing the yearly lucky compass direction decided based on the zodiac simbol of the year. Usually you eat Eho-maki without cutting, bite from one end, but I don't like sushi very much, so I ate 3 slices of it;)
Well, this amounts to a good luck of the year, I hope.


すみません。またコメント欄にconfiguration の文字入力を復活させました(コメントを書いてpublish your comment をクリックすると、文字列が現れる・・・はずです)。

farewell to winter: Polaroid SX-70 + 600 film (expired); 5/52 weeks project


Monday, February 01, 2010


I love to hear birds chirping, but it's been raining for these two days so the birds that always come for the nectar of sasanqua and mandarin orange which I stick on the twigs didn't show up. A bit lonely start of a new month. And what's worse we have been soooo annoyed by too much croak in the early evening these days. You wouldn't believe how many crows there are at dusk. It might not be too much to say that the sky is made almost black by the crows here. OH, it's not that I hate crows: rather, I love them. They are smart and interesting. But too many crows coming altogether are a bit scaring, doomful. It's a omen of something awful?

It got colder and colder today; it hailed a little and it's snowing some parts of Japan. Brrrr. Maybe tomorrow we'll have frost like in this pic.



frosty: CONTAX Aria + Makro Planar 60/f2.8; Jan. 2006