Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Can't stop

お土産のこのお菓子、プレッツェルにチョココーティングしてあるの、とってもはまる^^* 一気に食べないよう、ガマンしながら楽しみます♪

It's moreish:)) Thanks T & M;))) (I hear it's M's favorite.)

Yes, it was such a wonderful, memorable time with you. I was soooo happy to meet you, have a chat, share a lovely time and space:)
I do wanna see you soon! The time passed too quickly!!

It is really great and interesting to meet a nice friend. In chatting I found good points of her and what I lack. I do appreciate her way of seeing and thinking as if she talks with herself. She took a long time seeing my photobook. I was really happy she did that wanting and trying to know more about me.  I love her sense of beauty too of course, but I really appreciate how she lives at her pace, concentrating on what she loves, comitting herself with them carefully and thoroughly. 
I am an impatient person; I think I'm gonna have to take time sometimes. 

So I won't eat the snack at a time: I'll exercise my patience to eat one piece a day;D

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