Friday, June 04, 2010


collect light and drink it up:)

飲み干そう カラカラと

for your lovely weekend

where will you be? have you planned some fun? 


  1. こゆPHOTOスキやな~♪

  2. phew...! hot & steamy!!! This pic soothe the actual heat in the physical world....Nice :)

    ah, weekend? I might get to a craft fair in brooklyn, then we'll all head to see "21 gen KOTO" performance. I'm contemplating...Yoga or craft fair. hmm.....Well, I can do everything if I want to. I may feel uncomfortable bringing my yoga mat all the way to Brooklyn till I get home, what time? 12 mid night? lol. oy, that would be a good work out, but duh! Too hooooot! I may only attend the koto performance. Can't decide it now.

    BTW, aside from NY, where would you like to go during your summer vacation? Asia? or Europe???

  3. hope you had a great weekend! I spent a lot of time with Suki, out and about in the city...strolling through parks and neighborhoods. With my camera of course!!! ^_^

  4. @hiro

    Glad you're soothed by this pic;)) Thakns!

    Wow! Craft fair! Sounds fun and inspiring!! I'd skip Yoga class and go and see that;DDD
    I'm talking in the assumption that you visited it, So how did you like it? What kinds of crafts did you see there?
    I didn't know you like oKOTO. Well, I guess it healed the heat and steam there:))

    Oh, I have plenty of places on my "to-go" list:)) I have been thinking of visitng & Cuba for so long a time. But it takes a lot of trouble of changing planes and buses from my city. And lots of money!!
    Some places in Asia are on my list, too. Of course Europe as well. And I wanna go to Kenya or Madagascar! Aw, it seems to be going on forever;p

    Yeah, I did have a great but tiring weekend! LOL
    Time with your loved one is the best! Suki chan must have been happy with you:))
    You must have been a lot more happier to take a lot of shots of her, heehee;DD
    Did you have a new discovery during your weekend strolling? :)
